Page 16 - 2022 Annual Report
P. 16

[2022 PROGRESS] BREC’s Natural Resource Management Division developed rubrics to measure the impacts of parks on flooding by not only measuring how much water they hold, but how quickly the water leaves a park, installed amenities along nature trails in eight parks including boardwalks, bridges and benches, managed 25 research permits for outside entities and completed four biodiversity assessment reports to better help manage flora and fauna in the park system.
[2023 + BEYOND] Complete the construction of a well and open the new nature station at BREC’s Frenchtown Road Conservation Area, continue creating enhanced infrastructure to increase BREC parks’ ability to retain stormwater, decrease urban heat index, sequester carbon and improve air quality.
Strengthen and increase natural resource related recreational opportunities.
[2022 PROGRESS] BREC has positioned itself as the lead on the implementation of the parish wide bicycle pedestrian master plan. Staff serves on committees to help coordinate efforts of other agencies involved in bicycle and pedestrian planning, design, construction and education and has developed a close relationship with program managers for the MOVEBR program, allowing BREC to make meaningful contributions in the planning and design of bicycle and pedestrian facilities associated with roadway projects. BREC’s current system includes more than 110 miles of multi-use trails, concrete walking paths, walking loops, an indoor walking track, hiking trails, nature trails, mountain bike trails and equestrian trails. For a full list, visit:
[2023 + BEYOND] A robust public input process was conducted for the improvements to Scotlandville Parkway, an iconic park which will serve as the trailhead for the 7-mile CMAQ trail Construction. Many Greenway sections are in process including: Bluebonnet extension and Essen Lane, Greenwood Community Park which were either in bidding or under construction while sections from Memorial to Spanish Town Road Park, Scotlandville Parkway to Downtown and Ward Creek extension behind Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, Perkins Road to Paulette Drive and Mansions in the Park to Starring Lane were in design.
 CONTINUE ENHANCING TRAIL CONNECTIVITY Enhance connectivity by improving the network of multi-use trails to, within, and between parks and community assets.

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